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Professional Services

My name is Noriel Panganiban and I’m the founder of I'm encouraging you to learn more, focus on your studies, enhance your career, become an entrepreneur, and master your business to success. As a Business Coach, I can further help you succeed in study, career, business, and life with my professional services as follows.

How Can I Help You Succeed?

I Offer Business Solutions and Create Strategies

Main Objective: This friendly and timely conversation aims to evaluate your business case or vision and come up with a strategic improvement action plan. The short-term goal is to arrive on creating a Business Guide, a write-up. The long-term goal is to design improvement programs and execute them on a per-project basis.

Business Case Assessment

It is a simple straightforward process. Just right from the information you will submit during the Book-a-Talk process in our website, I will get to assess in advance the nature of your business. With this, I am then well-prepared to highlight to you the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) of your business. I will then ask you a few important questions during the talk to validate your business case. A sensible strategy and resources exchange of thoughts will follow. You are free to ask or say anything, certainly.

Solutions Recommendation

In here is where my experience works. If your case falls as a business startup, we’ll based our recommendation on five important success factors which are: 1) Timing, 2) Funding 3) Team 4) Business Model 5) Idea. If you want to position your business better among competitors, the basis of our solutions to recommend will come from the Learning Guides I shared in the website plus my years of experience in the corporate world. We will in-depth analyse your Value Chain so I can come up with strategic solutions and recommendations. Still not included on the recommendations are the books, tools, people, companies, software, groups, and plenty of other knowledge + information sources I have on hand. I’ll give you some of them for free.

Key Take Aways:

  • 30 mins to 2 hours sensible, results-oriented and productive 1-on-1 talk

  • One-page business case assessment and recommended solution write-up

  • Long-term relationship that could lead to potential business development opportunities

  • Free eBooks, Guidebooks, and learning materials

I Build Websites and Help You Buy Software

Main Objective: This is a collaboration project between you and me, and our respective teams. First will be a tutorial session that aims to understand your needs for a business website and create action plans to fulfill them. Second executing that plan by working on the website development project and/or business software application set-up for your business.

Business Website Creation

With, I will teach you how to create your own website from scratch. We’ll start from introducing you, the registration process, familiarization with the User Interface, and the basic of drag-and-drop page design. To keep the pace of conversation more exciting, we will create a simple page for your business website.

As soon as you’re familiar with using the design tool, I will elevate the learning process with how to purchase a subscription package – which is a bit complex one for web designer beginners. Coupled with this is I will help you understand what a domain name is and why you need to register it. And the most important thing, I will connect your domain name to your website seeing to it that you’ll get it live – visitor ready to access it anytime.

Putting contents like articles, videos, photos, Call-to-Actions, and more is subject for our further agreement.


Buying Business Software

If you own a small business, with more than 5 employees, joining a tutorial session with me is right for you. Here, I will introduce you to some of the best business software out there. While you’ve probably seen a few good software brands over the internet, this session is about diving deeper to those. Think about HubSpot (for Marketing), Salesforce (for Sales), and QuickBooks (for Accounting), we’ll teach you how to buy them and use them efficiently and effectively for your business.

We will also explore more Microsoft Office Suite and Google’s G Suite. These are must-have software apps for business these days. There are some more juices here that you need to squeeze out. Think of Microsoft’s Publisher and Access – those are brilliant tools for business. Google’s business email and cloud drive are amazing wonders of the modern business world. All these, I’ll explain you clearly how they are being setup for business.

Key Take Aways:

  • 30 mins to 2 hours sensible, results-oriented and productive tutorial session

  • Your business website partially created and configured

  • Business Software Applications suited for your business needs pre-selected

  • Free eBooks, Guidebooks, and learning materials

I Curate Internet Marketing Programs and Write for Business

Main Objective: This is a collaboration project between you and me, and our respective teams. First will be a tutorial session that aims to understand your current marketing efforts and then guide you in improving them. Second is working on the write-ups. Third would running your marketing programs/campaigns.

Strategic Internet Marketing

Because strategy is what will differentiate your business above the rest, this learning session is definitely a must-have one. Here, we’ll discuss in-depth about Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing, and Internet Advertising. That’s for Session 1. For Session 2, we’ll cover Inbound Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, and Marketing Automation.

Most marketers choose to invest on expensive books, costly webinars, and complex certification processes to become great on internet marketing. Those can be a NOT option for you if you will only pay big attention to this session. I will tech you proven-effective strategies, something you can do on your own device at home without any expensive stuffs to buy or subscribe on.

Writing for Business

For your website to become more lively and attractive to visitors and for your marketing programs to run effectively, I will teach you more about content creation and writing strategies – specifically writing something to promote your business. We will begin from writing articles (a.k.a. web contents) for your web pages. These articles should be unique, compelling, substantial, and SEO friendly.


Next in line will be about writing blogs, newsletters, and social media posts. Here, we’ll tackle about backlinks, style, and some more content writing and spreading strategies. To beef you more up with writing, we’ll recommend you some books and articles to read on – something that will ignite your brain to write beautiful write-ups for your business website.

As an option, we can further extend our collaboration into writing business plans and marketing plans.

Key Take Aways:

  • 30 mins to 2 hours sensible, results-oriented and productive tutorial session

  • Your website ready with contents - articles, blogs, photos, videos, etc.

  • A Marketing Program developed and ready to be implemented

  • Free eBooks, Guidebooks, and learning materials

Learn more about the professional services I offer. Simply click the photo of our services on the right to download the brochure.
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I am actively getting projects from freelancing site UpWork. I have been a freelancer for more than 8 years. You can check out my profile and some of the projects I work on by visiting my UpWork Profile.
Project Pilipinas
You can get to know me more by visiting, my blog site about the Filipinos and the Philippines. This is one of my avenues for creative writing and advocacy to help others.
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To get to know me more and my vision about free to affordable quality education, please visit my website, You can book services that I offer via this site.
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