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Why Microsoft Mobile Devices is a Great Site to Explore for Lumia Users

Smart Phone with Smiling Couple

Microsoft’s $7.2 billion investment on the sinking devices and services business of Nokia Corporation created big headlines and speculations in 2014. But now that Microsoft owns Lumia, Nokia X and Asha, Steve Ballmer was right in saying that the acquisition is a "bold step into the future".

In 2014, Microsoft reported an annual revenue of $86.8 billion. The company also reported that the Windows Phone and licensing sector grew by 48% year-on-year (equivalent to $822 million) driven by Windows Phone sales. In Satya Nadella’s letter to shareholders dated October 9, 2014, he mentioned that the said acquisition “expanded Microsoft Devices Group that includes Nokia phones, Xbox hardware, Surface, Perceptive Pixel products and accessories.”

I visited Microsoft’s Mobile Devices website to correlate Windows phone’s growing business with its present contents. I found several interesting features, sections and links which on my analysis contributed a lot in making this Microsoft business unit standout from the competition.

Nokia Lumia 1020

Microsoft nailed it for having Nokia Lumia 1020. This is the only smartphone with a 41 megapixel camera sensor, Full HD video and Nokia Rich Recording.

Nokia Lumia, Asha and Nokia X

Microsoft Mobile Devices team is really artistic and detailed in presenting their phones and tablets products. Every phone is presented in an insightful way. From stunning photos taken by the device and attractive screenshots from each phone model, to basic features and detailed specifications, to latest apps and recommended accessories, every product reveals something unique in itself.

Aside from aesthetic appreciation, site visitors can also do apple-to-apple comparisons of up to 3 products by clicking the “Compare” button. In addition, clicking the “See it in Action” link further helps them discover other qualities of the device through a YouTube clip.

Support Page

The Support page is very comprehensive as it contains all the relevant information about software updates for each model of phone or tablet. There are step-by-step guidelines on how to install or apply the updates as well as FAQs that can guide users on repair and troubleshooting.

Lumia Apps

There is a wide selection of apps for Lumia phones as well as Asha and Nokia X. Since Lumia phones are running on Windows Phone 7.8 and 8.1, users will be directed to the Windows Phone Store. Nokia X users are requested to visit third party Android apps sellers like 1Mobile Market, Aptoide, SlideME, Mobango and Yandex. For Asha phone users, they can download apps straight from A Nokia Phone Selector will assist them in finding the apps compatible with their phone.

Beta Apps for Lumia

This is an extension site of Microsoft Mobile Devices where members can try Lumia apps-under-development and provide feedback. Beta trials help Microsoft developers in improving their products and services for Lumia devices. Currently, there are two main beta app categories under discussion – the Lumia Gestures beta and App Social beta. Both apps are available for download from the Windows Phone Store.

Lumia Conversations

This is another site extension of Mobile Devices that features the latest news, upcoming events (like the Mobile World Congress), useful tips about Microsoft products and services, and top stories that showcase Microsoft current projects and future initiatives on Lumia products. Latest announcements in the site are the newly released Lumia 640 and Lumia 640 XL and the #TileArt app. Lumia Conversations invite everyone to ask questions or share their comments and experiences on Lumia devices.


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