Ok Google… tell Android to make our life and work simple, now
You’re probably using this cool Voice Search feature on your Android devices – smartphone, watch or tablet. The concept is not new as we’ve already seen this voice command on some popular devices before. What’s new today is that Google connects the technology to thousands of apps which can be used on our daily life – like finding a car on Lyft using a watch, asking if it will rain today via Nexus and telling your Smart TV in Spanish to play a funny movie. There are now lots of things you can literally ask to Google – all because of Android.
Android is open and sweet
Let’s discover a little bit more about Android – that green robot (like the cute minions) that can be customized the way you want to.
When Google acquired Android Inc. in 2005, a lot of colourful things happened to this open-source software. As it is open-source, developers from anywhere in the world can develop apps, software programs and even device platforms that are based on Android open standards – like the Ouya gaming console. Android Open Source Project (AOSP) is a community of developers that is actively exploring Android’s potential in various industry and commercial applications.
If you can still remember the HTC Dream, that phone with a QWERTY keyboard, slider screen and clickable trackball; that was the first Android phone. Then here comes the Nexus series the latest of which is the Nexus Player for Android Lollipop. Right now, Android the robot is almost everywhere carrying jelly beans, ice cream sandwich, lollipop and Kitkat chocolate to make people’s lives sweeter.
Android is now in our cars
Here’s what makes Android an even more happy companion. It’s now in our car. Not the GPS device but the Android Auto is now the brain behind the dashboard systems of several automobile brands. It was made possible by Google’s partnership with Open Automotive Alliance and Nvidia. With Google Voice Search and Integrated Steering Wheel Control technologies, then what else is to expect in driving but safe, enjoyable and hi-tech road trip.
Google android respond in real-time, now
The core technology that made Android truly popular is the Google Now. All you have to do is download the app from Google Play and then run it on your iOS phone, Android phone, computer with Chrome, and wearable devices such as watch and glass. Then next is to start saying, Ok Google… plus your search command.
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I can still recall Watson, an AI computer system capable of answering questions in natural language. It defeated intelligent human contestants in a game called “Jeopardy”, not once, not twice, but three times. Watson and Android are in many ways, alike. In fact Watson is also open for developers and innovators to explore and use on various applications.
Google may not be pushing Android to the limit to become the next clever game contestant but what’s clear is that it responds back with cards with high level of information accuracy. Tell Android to make your life and work simple and I think it will.
Ok Google, I’m now excited on your next Google I/O event to see more Android amazing stuffs.